Tuesday, June 16, 2009


i wonder. why if i'm driving bmw i didn't even stop at any roadblock. but if i'm riding 125zr i must be detained. it's as simple as first sight on what your riding and it's value. nowadays enforcer of law is getting worst. the last tv show at 999, a high rank officer said that he don't care what your in but if you breaking the law then you have to face the law. is it? or it just your own illusion sir?

the situation is why must motorist must be blame for issues like snatching and other crime. it's not everyone that ride on the bike done that. why? simply because the criminal frequently using the bike as a medium of crime because it cheap and easy to get away. but most of the riders out there just ordinary people who deserve the same like others.

sometime motorist always being blame for everything. but if we're in the car. the scenario is changed suddenly. i always drive any car in dangerous method but never get cought. but if i ride the bike in the same manners then i am called mat rempit or even worst a criminal. what is happening here is a simple streotyping by people who always been feed with the news regarding bike crime.

why don't we blame the car driver? i don't know. to see the different try on federal highway to kl road. then you see if a car can change lane in high speed without giving any signal then people will say "setan betol,eksiden baru taw", but if a motorist did that then people will tend to say "pukimak punyer rempit mampus lagi bagus". here again. why does we must called them mat rempit? does eveyone on a fast and dangerous bike mat rempit? later on if we see superbike doing the same thing we will say "pergh lawa motor". what is happening?

we small rider always being discriminate. and ways to resist it is just by "resistance". but until when? the conclusion is the people minds. if we all set in our mind small motorist is the criminal then it is. but if we change it. it doesn't. way of thinking have put the law into something too rigid to us,motorist. and by simple logic. we could think. "rigid is meant to be broken". the rigid the law the more the criminal. you'll see what i'm saying soon.


  1. i have to agree, the people make the law. it's the principle behind the US government too: democracy, government of the people.

    So what we make up our minds about becomes the truth, sometimes the law. it certainly governs the realm of taboo subjects and social rules which we, though more often our previous generations, abide by.

    interesting topic, and you hit on a hella important point about populations and their prejudice about certain things.
